The benefits and harms of alcohol: why you want to drink

Everyone knows that alcoholic beverages are harmful and their abuse causes the development of numerous pathologies.

But research by scientists shows that drinking alcohol in moderation can have a beneficial effect on a person's physical and mental state.

The waiter pours beer into a glass.

Does the body need alcohol?

The human body is capable of producing alcohol on its own. It is called endogenous and mainly the intestines and the liver are involved in its production. The production rate is 8-10g per day. Alcohol regulates the functioning of the nervous system, participates in the production of endorphins, participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, forming a natural psychological defense. Furthermore, the synthesized ethanol increases energy potential and stimulates metabolic processes.

The positive effect of endogenous alcohol on the human body is obvious. But numerous experiments by scientists show that alcoholic beverages from abroad can be beneficial.

Opinion of scientists

The beneficial properties of alcohol are a hot topic that still attracts the interest of scientists in many countries. They conduct a variety of studies, during which they study the effect of alcohol on various systems of the human body.

Doctors in France concluded that alcoholic beverages normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system. American experts have found that older people who sometimes indulge in a little alcohol are less likely to experience such a common age-related phenomenon as decreased brain activity.

A forty-year experiment was conducted in the Netherlands, during which more than 1, 300 people were observed. As a result, it was concluded that those who consumed alcohol in reasonable doses throughout their lives had a longer life expectancy and a lower death rate from heart disease.

However, there is another opinion based on the fact that all the data obtained is nothing more than an error of statistical calculations, and in fact alcohol is harmful even in small doses.

What is low and tolerable dose?

All scientists agree that the benefits of alcohol manifest themselves only in small doses. But the standards in different parts of the world vary. So, in the UK, the allowed dose is 8 ml of pure alcohol per day (this is about 18 ml of strong alcohol or 40 ml of wine), in the USA the norm is 14 ml, and in Japan- 20.

However, drinking alcohol every day is strongly discouraged. The optimal frequency is 2-3 times a week.

In addition, there is a maximum allowable dose, that is, the amount of alcohol that the human body can process. The indicator depends on many factors, including gender, weight and health. For example, a healthy man weighing 70 kg can drink 170 g of pure alcohol (approximately 0. 5 liters of vodka) a day. Subject to continuous abstinence from alcohol for at least 8 days, the body will recover from the negative effects of ethanol.

Small doses of alcohol

What are the benefits of alcohol in small doses?

The benefits of alcohol are mainly in the prevention of various diseases. So, alcohol in small amounts:

  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease;
  • reduces the likelihood of ischemic stroke;
  • reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Important!It is important to remember that the benefits of alcohol are only one of the existing opinions in the first place, not all experts subscribe to. And secondly, in any case, one cannot rely on the medicinal properties of alcohol and use it as a medicine for existing pathologies.

What makes alcohol harmful?

The benefits and harms of any product, including alcohol, are determined by its chemical composition. Alcoholic beverages are harmful mainly due to ethyl alcohol, which is present in absolutely all alcoholic beverages. The greatest danger is not even the ethanol itself, but the poisonous products of its processing, particularly acetaldehyde, which, spreading throughout the body, negatively affects all its systems.

Also, alcohol can be harmful due to:

  • various chemical additives (flavor and aroma enhancers, preservatives, colorants);
  • large amounts of carbon dioxide in carbonated beverages;
  • fusel oils present in low-quality beverages and counterfeits.

And of course the damage increases as you increase the dose you drink.

Reasons you want to drink

There are many explanations why you want to drink a little alcohol from time to time. Among them, the need to relax and forget about problems for a while, the desire to support the company, the desire to break free, to become more sociable. Naturally, we are now talking about those who drink from time to time, observing the measure, and not about people with alcohol dependence.

But in addition to the psychological reasons listed, there are other explanations for the need for alcohol that sometimes comes up. Most of the time, this is due to a lack of substances in the body.

If a person wants to drink alcohol, they don't need to, sometimes knowing what to eat or drink is enough for the body to need it.

Alcohol cravings

What if the cravings become almost overwhelming?

If you have a persistent desire to drink, of course you can take a small dose, but it is not worth always drinking alcohol in such a situation. The best solution is to undergo a medical examination to understand what is causing your strong desire for alcohol.

Provisional measures can be the following:

  • replace alcohol with other drinks (kvass, natural juices, milk, green tea);
  • eat something (red meat, honey, salty cheese, cottage cheese, nuts or seeds, egg dishes).

Communication with family and friends, housework, sports, an interesting activity, reading, a walk will help distract from thoughts about drinking. If the craving for alcohol persists, it is worth visiting a therapist for professional advice.

What is your body missing if you want to drink?

Often times, people develop an inexplicable desire for products with certain tastes at first glance. Various nutritional abnormalities in pregnant women are very popular. For example, many of them are supporters of chalk. This is due to changes that occur in the body and cause a deficiency of certain substances. A similar situation is when you want alcohol; most likely something is missing from the body.

The most common are:

  • B vitamin deficiency;
  • lack of iron;
  • silicon shortage;
  • lack of protein (most common explanation if you want vodka);
  • micronutrient deficiencies (calcium, potassium, sodium).

Once you have determined which vitamins or minerals are missing, you should supplement your diet with products or vitamin complexes that contain them.

Beer alcoholism

Can alcoholism develop from daily consumption of low doses?

It is very important to remember that the habit of drinking, even in small amounts, can lead to psychological development over time. And this does not depend on the strength of the drink, on the contrary, apparently harmless and low-alcohol beer is addictive faster than spirits.

The need for alcohol will gradually increase, the doses will start to rise, as will the frequency of consumption. The body will adapt to the regular supply of ethanol, include it in metabolic processes, leading to physical dependence, which is very difficult to get rid of.

Can high-quality alcohol be harmful to health?

Any alcoholic beverage contains ethanol and is therefore a potential health hazard. But drinking high-quality alcohol, if unhealthy, is certainly less harmful. This is mainly due to the lack of fusel oils, which are found in excess in low-quality beverages. Furthermore, the lower negative impact is due to the low concentration of preservatives and various artificial additives.

So you can minimize the toxic effect of alcohol on the body by consuming premium drinks from a trusted manufacturer in small doses.

Drinking culture

The culture of drinking alcoholic beverages has a direct impact on the consequences of alcohol consumption for the human body, as it requires a reasonable approach both in the choice of alcohol and in the process of consumption. Regulations apply which, among other things, help reduce the negative effects of ethanol. These include, for example, drinking small amounts of alcohol.


Wine is credited with the most beneficial properties of any alcoholic beverage. According to the rules, the drink is drunk a little, enjoying the multifaceted aroma and taste. An essential snack, which is chosen according to the type of drink.


Live real beer is healthy due to its high content of vitamins and minerals. Beer should be drunk slightly cold, without rushing. Spicy and salty snacks should be preferred: fish or dried meat, cheese, shellfish, nuts. It is not recommended to mix beer with other alcohol.


High-quality cognac is also known as healthy alcoholic beverages. The conditions in which this elite alcohol is drunk are very important. They help you make the most of the delicious aroma and rich flavor of the drink.

Cognac should be at room temperature. They drink it in small sips. The classic serving option is after the main meal with a cup of coffee and a cigar. Cognac is believed not to require a snack, but you can serve fresh fruits and nuts with it if you like.

Risks of drinking alcohol

Regular alcohol consumption in most cases leads to alcoholism, which in turn causes numerous diseases. Absolutely any organ or system can be affected, but most often it develops:

  • diseases of the liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis) and the excretory system;
  • cardiovascular diseases (cardiomyopathy, heart attack);
  • brain disorders;
  • gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis);
  • pathology of the reproductive system;
  • mental and neurological disorders.

Ethanol also increases the risk of developing neoplasms.

If the body needs alcohol, this is an alarming symptom, indicating that a bad habit has turned into a chronic disease.


Drinking can be beneficial. But you should not use alcohol as a medicine in case of existing diseases. The main thing is to choose high-quality alcohol, not to overdo the frequency of intake and remember to observe the dose to avoid negative consequences.